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Join Lead Author Dasha Allred Bond and twenty-three of her bee sisters as they share the sacred stories that surfaced as they explored the deeper well of collective grief. Working with the wisdom of their dreams and the transformative energy of their bee allies, the bee sisters show us the surprising ways the archetype of the divine feminine reveals herself even amid utter despair and darkness. These stories aren’t for the faint of heart, as they dare to reveal the deeper truths of core trauma often eclipsed by our surface-oriented, high-gloss, spiritual bypassing culture. These stories are unapologetically real and consciousness-stirring. Readers will find their hearts and minds expanding as they feel into each author’s cathartic journey through pain and suffering and into the space of love. Each story ends with a beautiful shared practice or medicine that can be initiated immediately.


A portion of profits from the publication of Dreaming with Bees will go to support Aluna Bridge, a nonprofit dedicated to offering hospice sanctuary to women and children who are unhoused, as well as various nonprofits working to protect our bee friends.


*** Price includes shipping and handling. Expect book to be shipped aroung June 1st.

Dreaming with Bees - Book Presale

Expected shipping is around the beginning of June
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